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The Sentinel Foundation, operational since 2019, is a non-profit organization based in Davidson, NC, with the profound mission to end the exploitation of underage children globally. The organization is known for using Special Operations methodologies combined with cutting-edge technology to tackle child sex trafficking. They employ a variety of tactics, techniques, and procedures honed by Special Operations communities, alongside advanced commercial technologies, to enhance the global fight against child trafficking.

The Sentinel Foundation operates with a low profile, emphasizing the use of full-spectrum surveillance, open-source targeting and analysis, non-standard communications, and cyber-enabled operations. Their approach is designed to operate discreetly, without seeking public recognition, allowing them to maintain the trust necessary to work on complex and challenging problems. Their primary goal is to disrupt trafficking networks, rescue victims, and assist law enforcement and non-government organizations in counter-trafficking efforts. One of the notable accomplishments of the Sentinel Foundation includes their rapid crisis response to humanitarian crises. They have played a significant role in supporting humanitarian efforts following the Russia-Ukraine conflict, as well as in the aftermath of the collapse in Afghanistan, providing crucial aid to displaced women and children. The organization is also heavily involved in providing advanced training to law enforcement officers both domestically and internationally, enhancing their capabilities to counter child trafficking. This comprehensive training covers both basic and advanced aspects, ensuring that law enforcement is well-equipped to tackle such sensitive issues. The foundation operates with the support of a diverse team, which includes experts from intelligence, federal law enforcement, and special operations personnel. With a goal to instill fear in those who exploit the vulnerable, they aim to significantly deter criminal activity by increasing the perceived probability of traffickers being caught.

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